Are you ready for the next opportunity?
Are you ready for the next opportunity?
Opportunity knocked at the door.
Confidence answered.
Success walked in..
I conducted a couple of sessions on communication over the weekend. One of the participants shared a very interesting story. He said he was confident in talking to people but had never delivered a public speech till the last year.
He got an opportunity in January’20 (during one of the elections) and he successfully spoke at 60 rallies within a few days. It was amazing.
He started enjoying the process after a couple of rallies. He would have never realized his potential had he not got that opportunity.
I had never even written a blog till March this year. Deep within I knew I was good at expressing my ideas.
I got an opportunity during the lockdown and was able to write a book. The book got published in June and became an Amazon Best Seller across US and the Indian market.
A lot many opportunities are going to come your way in 2021.
Are you confident of making it?
What’s going to be your story?