Every business, big or small has its own innovations and ideas.
It didn’t seem like a big deal when I booked an auto for going to the metro station this Monday. I hadn’t ever traveled via an auto in Gurgaon.
I opened up the Uber app on my phone to book an Uber to the metro station. Since there was a very long waiting list for the cab and I didn’t want to wait that long for a small journey to the metro station, I decided to book an auto.
The auto arrived at my doorstep pretty quickly.
Contrary to my expectations, it didn’t look like a normal one – there were transparent plastic sheets zipped on to 3 sides (with an option to unzip!). One side was open and had the option to zip up as I took my seat inside. The auto was spotlessly clean.
The driver had made an effort to make the auto ride a memorable one. It made me look forward to this auto ride.
I spoke to the driver for a few minutes and the short 12 minutes ride got over before I even realized it. He had fixed the sheets to offer a more comfortable ride to the passengers – protection from dust and the early morning chill as well.
He said – “इसके कारण मुझे ज़्यादा सवारी मिल जाती है ।” (I get more rides because of this initiative)
What did this experience teach me?
Every business big or small deals with the issue of productivity.
The auto driver simply increased his productivity by making his auto more comfortable than the other autos and thereby increasing his number of daily passengers.
He took a small initiative and made full use of all the existing resources he had to satisfy his customer. I am sure many customers like me would be tipping him daily for he going beyond his call of duty!
Now, this was his effort in his small business – what can we do to satisfy and increase the productivity of the organisation we work with?
In a corporate environment, customer satisfaction is the number one task on the road to increased productivity.
When a business keeps its customers satisfied, it builds customer loyalty and retention, reduces customer losses, increases goodwill whilst increasing the revenue.
This simple task of keeping the customers happy will make the same business with the same resources earn better revenue. The productivity of our business will define its long-term success of it.
It will help us measure how much outcome, revenue, and profits can be generated from the limited resources and labor.
Satisfying our customers is the very thing that will lead us to more productive outcomes. Few small initiatives in business such as feedback forms, offering multi-channel support, sharing feedback across all your teams, replying to all feedback, etc can help us keep our customers happy and loyal.
We need to be innovative with our ideas as to how we can satisfy our customers in a manner that can help reduce competition and develop loyal customers. A very simple initiative can help increase the productivity of our work.
It pays to go the extra mile for your customer!
*Read more articles on Medium